Educating on the best examples: we have completed the project for children

The video version of the long-running educational and cultural project "Ukrainian Music for Children", which introduced children to Ukrainian musical heritage, is now complete. We are delighted to make it accessible to everyone so that all young Ukrainians and people around the world can discover the musical gems of Ukrainian culture.
We would like to express special gratitude to the granter - the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institutin Ukraine.

The Global Harmony Art Foundation also expresses its sincere gratitude to everyone who helped make this important project a reality in today's realities: the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, the chamber group of the Kyiv Classic Orchestra, which was invited to perform for children, partners, participants, and, of course, our truly talented audience - the children who set the tone at all concerts.

The Stabilisation Fund 2023 for Culture and Education is a project of the Goethe-Institut and the German Federal Foreign Office to sustainably strengthen the resilience of cultural and educational partners in Ukraine.